This sounds good for my younger sis
Super learning
Good for learning
It is very disturbing to see women stripping in the commercials on this app. It's inappropriate for the children in which this app was intended for. The creators of this app should pay attention to the sponsors of their commercials!
My mother was teaching my younger sister how to draw numbers.When my mother tried to demonstrate she could not even complete it herself because when the color touched the line it would erase it very frustrating!!!!!!!!
Im left handed and so is my child. But writing these letters is telling us that we're wrong in the direction we cross our "Ts" (and other letters that have lines). Left hand people write the opposite way from right handed people when putting any lines on our letters. Dont like that this app is bias.
Very convinient way to teach..
The idea is nice. But if you can't draw a line perfectly it will fail, Without warning. It's infuriating for an adult, and for a 3 year old
Toddlers must have the precision of an adult to follow this app.